

These are hard truths–things that can crush the spirit of a man and destroy a relationship. If you are sure that nothing in this book can break you, then by all means, read on. If you already knew that #1 Lie (see first pic on right) and just don't want to face it, I suggest a ball game and another 45 minute sex-marathon to soothe your ego. You're obviously not strong enough for this yet. I would also pay attention to HER reactions this time, being careful not to make her suspicious. If you look, you might find it–a law of common sense.

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

We HATE How You Finger Us

Scrap! She jerks at the pain. He thinks she likes it and repeats. No orgasm for her tonight and maybe no bathroom afterwards, either, but as long as you get yours...
Consider the cotton-candy analogy from truth #3. We don't like that being done inside us, either.

Never do any of the following while you have a finger in:

*Move up and down like it's a toggle-switch
*Scratch or try to pick anything you might feel
*Try to 'circle the sides'
*Cough or sneeze–it's like getting a blow-job while driving, and then hitting a pothole at the wrong moment. Fucking painful.

We need a smooth in and out motion. If you can't do it with a penis (hands off), then don't do it with a finger.

Best position for female fingering
Thee are two.
1.) We lay on our back, legs flat–not over your leg or arm, or up in the air like it's a vaginal exam.
2.) On our side, legs closed, your finger from behind. This one is harder to manage, but OMG! does it feel good.

How many fingers?
I like one, but thanks to 3 C-sections, I'm still tight, with a nasty scar-line. Anymore than that and it hurts. After giving birth, women stretch. Your first two fingers kept tightly together will do the trick, thumb tucked under the remaining fingers. This is the only time we're okay with you using that middle finger, btw.

DON'T EVER split those fingers inside her like she's a rock-n-scissors game. It makes her want to kick your ass. With your teeth.

How far in?
Up to the second knuckle. Any further is considered the setup for fisting, something you can't even pay most prostitutes to do. When you pass that knuckle, we clench up. You think that's a good sign and go farther. Sigh. Please try to learn the difference between I like that and ouch, damn it!

How Fast?
Slow down. You're not sawing. You are gently fingering a dangerously-full balloon. Too hard just once and pop! There goes her mood.
You know how the first touch of a mouth on your dick is the best? And that sometimes, it just about the most perfect thing you've ever felt? And then she moves her head or stops and you lose the magic grove and find it again? It's exactly like that with fingering. Set up that first contact long before you do it, so that when you push just a tip in, she's already close to blowing. How? Remember rule #1!

Where the hell is your other hand?
While you tease me that way, either your other hand or one of mine MUST busy. Remember rule #1. Fingers don't cause them, either–only direct clitoris stimulation works. You can combine it with amazing things like male lips, fingers, and dicks (oorah!), but in the end, her slick little nub is the key to getting laid whenever YOU want it.
Now, a smart woman understands that position will kill a male's back after a short time, and will slide her own hand down. That leaves yours free to touch–HER.
You should already be tight against that ass, thrusting through her slickness to bump roughly between her thighs (under the hand). You'll get your turn, and feeling that waiting bar will make her hotter.
If she doesn't do herself, or maybe doesn't know that she should, gently take her hand and put it between her legs. Enjoy watching the shock, too. You've earned it with that one. Most women have NO IDEA that you like to watch us touch ourselves. Did you know we feel the same? Shiver.

As a bonus–if you do this while on top of her, you may actually get that a little taste of ass this time as she explodes, arching upward... (Never shove forward, though, as much as you'll long to. Anal sex WILL be one of the 365 lies you're learning, gentleman. My word. You want it? I'll show you how to get her to slide your dick there and then climax from it.)

Clearing throat. Okay, back to work.

First Class Dare & Warning
Be careful. Not all women like this. Some get jealous, thinking you're not satisfied with them. If they already knew that you do yourself 3-15 times EVERY week, they'd relax over it and be grateful they don't have to put out that often.

The Dare:
Let her catch you stroking that stiff dick and holding in those self-made groans.
Act like you don't know she's watching, if you can.  If you can't, just tell her straight out that you need a minute and then you'll clean up and take care of whatever she came in for. Good chance you won't have to finish with your hand, either way. The peeking woman will either come on in and handle it, or she'll at least get so horny from it that you'll get laid when she clears time. As she stares, she'll be rearranging the entire household schedule to be able to get you alone and make you jack off while she watches.

Worst times to do the dare:
*Immediately after the kids leave for school
*Immediately after the kids go to bed
We need to unwind, too.

Followup lesson
Did it work? How well? What went wrong? Will you do it again? Please come back and vote in the right sidebar, but use the answers you just gave to adjust it for the next attempt or Dare. Men who give up, don't get laid.

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